Vendease: Enhancing Procurement Efficiency

Vendease serves as a lifeline for food businesses across Africa, facilitating seamless procurement from sourcing to delivery while optimizing operational efficiency. However, with rapid growth comes complexity, and Vendease's admin portal has become burdened with redundant features, hindering stakeholders' productivity.

UI/UX Designer

Nov 2023 - till date (Contract)



As a UI/UX Designer, I collaborated with Aboaba Olateju and Samuel Balogun to embark on transformative journey with Vendease, a leading procurement platform for food businesses in Africa. Since November 2023, I've been dedicated to revamping Vendease's admin portal, streamlining operations to empower businesses and elevate customer experiences.


Problem Statement

The evolution of Vendease has outpaced its admin portal, resulting in a cluttered interface that impedes usability. Our goal is to declutter the system, align it with our new design language, and enhance accessibility. Simplifying the user experience is paramount to empower stakeholders and drive efficiency.



A new and accessible admin system that makes operation in vendease easy and seamless



Our primary objective is a ground-up redesign of the admin portal, guided by simplicity and accessibility principles. By removing excess features and adhering to Vendease's design language, we aim to deliver a sleek, user-friendly interface that optimizes productivity and fosters seamless operations.


Design Process


To ensure our design resonates with stakeholders, I immersed myself in user research and market analysis. By dissecting user motivations and preferences, we gained invaluable insights that shaped our design decisions. Additionally, a comprehensive competitive analysis informed our approach, identifying opportunities for innovation.


Our design process prioritized simplicity and intuitiveness. Leveraging Vendease's existing design language and components, we crafted wireframes and high-fidelity prototypes to refine the user experience. Pre-design activities included testing the old admin portal, stakeholder meetings, and PRD reviews, ensuring alignment with user needs and business objectives.


To ensure our design resonates with stakeholders, I immersed myself in user research and market analysis. By dissecting user motivations and preferences, we gained invaluable insights that shaped our design decisions. Additionally, a comprehensive competitive analysis informed our approach, identifying opportunities for innovation.


Our design process prioritized simplicity and intuitiveness. Leveraging Vendease's existing design language and components, we crafted wireframes and high-fidelity prototypes to refine the user experience. Pre-design activities included testing the old admin portal, stakeholder meetings, and PRD reviews, ensuring alignment with user needs and business objectives.


To ensure our design resonates with stakeholders, I immersed myself in user research and market analysis. By dissecting user motivations and preferences, we gained invaluable insights that shaped our design decisions. Additionally, a comprehensive competitive analysis informed our approach, identifying opportunities for innovation.


Our design process prioritized simplicity and intuitiveness. Leveraging Vendease's existing design language and components, we crafted wireframes and high-fidelity prototypes to refine the user experience. Pre-design activities included testing the old admin portal, stakeholder meetings, and PRD reviews, ensuring alignment with user needs and business objectives.

Test & Iterate:

User feedback was instrumental in refining our designs. Through iterative testing and feedback sessions, we fine-tuned the application to address user pain points and enhance usability. This iterative approach ensured that our final product met and exceeded the expectations of our stakeholders, driving tangible improvements in operational efficiency.

Test & Iterate:

User feedback was instrumental in refining our designs. Through iterative testing and feedback sessions, we fine-tuned the application to address user pain points and enhance usability. This iterative approach ensured that our final product met and exceeded the expectations of our stakeholders, driving tangible improvements in operational efficiency.

Test & Iterate:

User feedback was instrumental in refining our designs. Through iterative testing and feedback sessions, we fine-tuned the application to address user pain points and enhance usability. This iterative approach ensured that our final product met and exceeded the expectations of our stakeholders, driving tangible improvements in operational efficiency.



By adopting a user-centric approach and leveraging Vendease's established design language, we've revitalized the admin portal, paving the way for enhanced productivity and seamless procurement experiences. Our journey continues as we remain committed to delivering innovative solutions that empower businesses across Africa.

Let’s Collaborate

