Boardman: Redefining Social Wagering

Boardman isn't just another gaming platform; it's a catalyst for fostering camaraderie and excitement among friends. By facilitating challenges and wagers on a variety of topics, Boardman aims to inject a new level of thrill into social interactions.

Founding Product Designer

May 2023 - till date (Contract)



As the Founding Product Designer at Boardman, I've been instrumental in shaping a unique platform that revolutionizes social interactions through peer-to-peer wagering. Since joining in May 2023, my focus has been on crafting an immersive and user-friendly experience for players.


Problem statement

In our daily interactions, debates and arguments are commonplace, often leaving participants without any tangible resolution or reward for their efforts. Boardman seeks to address this by providing a platform where individuals can wager on their convictions and be rewarded for their expertise.



Boardman offers a smart and seamless solution to engage in friendly wagers on a wide range of topics. Through its mobile application, users can create challenges, invite friends, and compete for rewards, creating a dynamic and engaging social experience.



Our primary goal was to design a mobile application that not only simplifies the wagering process but also fosters a sense of community and fun among players. We aimed to create an intuitive and visually appealing platform that encourages active participation and interaction.


Design Process


To ensure our design truly connects with our target audience, I immersed myself in understanding the motivations and preferences of social gamers. Through extensive user research and thorough analysis of market trends, I acquired invaluable insights that guided our design decisions. Additionally, I conducted a comprehensive competitive analysis of platforms offering similar features, aiming to discern both user familiarity and areas for innovation.


A focus on simplicity and intuitiveness characterized the design process. From wireframes to high-fidelity prototypes, every element was carefully crafted to enhance the user experience and streamline the wagering process.


To ensure our design truly connects with our target audience, I immersed myself in understanding the motivations and preferences of social gamers. Through extensive user research and thorough analysis of market trends, I acquired invaluable insights that guided our design decisions. Additionally, I conducted a comprehensive competitive analysis of platforms offering similar features, aiming to discern both user familiarity and areas for innovation.


A focus on simplicity and intuitiveness characterized the design process. From wireframes to high-fidelity prototypes, every element was carefully crafted to enhance the user experience and streamline the wagering process.


To ensure our design truly connects with our target audience, I immersed myself in understanding the motivations and preferences of social gamers. Through extensive user research and thorough analysis of market trends, I acquired invaluable insights that guided our design decisions. Additionally, I conducted a comprehensive competitive analysis of platforms offering similar features, aiming to discern both user familiarity and areas for innovation.


A focus on simplicity and intuitiveness characterized the design process. From wireframes to high-fidelity prototypes, every element was carefully crafted to enhance the user experience and streamline the wagering process.

Test & Iterate:

User feedback played a crucial role in refining our designs. Through iterative testing and feedback sessions, we fine-tuned the application to address user pain points and improve overall usability. This iterative approach ensured that our final product met the expectations of our users.

Test & Iterate:

User feedback played a crucial role in refining our designs. Through iterative testing and feedback sessions, we fine-tuned the application to address user pain points and improve overall usability. This iterative approach ensured that our final product met the expectations of our users.

Test & Iterate:

User feedback played a crucial role in refining our designs. Through iterative testing and feedback sessions, we fine-tuned the application to address user pain points and improve overall usability. This iterative approach ensured that our final product met the expectations of our users.



Through a combination of innovative design principles and a deep understanding of user needs, Boardman is emerging as a trailblazer in the realm of social gaming. By providing a platform that encourages friendly competition and rewards, we've succeeded in redefining the way individuals interact and engage with one another. Our journey continues as we strive to push the boundaries of social wagering and create memorable experiences for players worldwide.

Let’s Collaborate

